Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Randy Newman's "Sail Away"

was the song from the second day of the workshop. Here is a photo from the Chinese Cemetery. The Chinese came to the Delta from the 1890's, first to work on the railroads, then to open grocery stores, sometimes several in one little town. Considered neither black nor white, they could be buried in neither cemetery. Someone went against the law to sell them the land for this cemetery, which is still used. The Chinese are still buried here, although most of them are Baptists. The young woman from Bangladesh said that in her country, Muslims, of whatever color, are buried in the Muslim cemetery and the same with Christians.
Next, we visited the "African American" cemetery and then went on to Greenville, the "Queen of the Delta" to visit the synagogue I described earlier. Then on the flood museum, documenting the 1927 flood.
It wasn't even lunchtime yet, and we already had a feeling for the diversity of peoples here on this fertile delta when cotton was still king.

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