Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cleveland, Mississippi

So Cleveland is just a straight shot down Highway 61 from Memphis. It's a small town, the home of Delta University. Delta is completely integrated: one half white students and one half black. Because of the white Christian academy system so widespread in the south, many of the students have never been to school with a person of another color until they are college freshmen. While this has a lot in common with the system in Monsey, New York, that's a subject for another day.

The seminar started with a reception in the Railroad Museum in Cleveland, which is filled with an itsy tiny version of the delta in minature railroad fashion. The forty participant were mostly there, and we were a bit wary of each other. It took another day before we realized that teachers who actually want to spend a week in the Delta studying this stuff have a lot in common to talk about. And we did. Talk. A lot. We came from Utah, and the Midwest and Washington DC and New Orleans and New Jersey and mostly, we loved the same things. Kids and history and learning. Here's a photo of the Railroad Museum.

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