Sunday, July 11, 2010

Just because I've spent my adult life

claiming I could never be a southerner, doesn't change this basic, fundamental truth. People are nicer here. They just are. I can't help it. I wish it weren't true. Everybody smiles and wants to know how I'm doing and they aren't just being polite because they ask follow-up questions that show they are listening. They ALL smile all the time and joke gently with their fellow workers. It's sad, but it's nice. It's really nice. I love New York best, but I can't imagine what it would be like if everyone smiled and were in a good mood and took extra care to be kind to strangers and to always joke with everyone around them in Times Square for example. What would that be like?


  1. On behalf of all New Yorkers, I must say that I couldn't agree with you more. Being nasty, brutish and short is just part of our charm.

  2. "What would it be like?"

    Terrifying. Come on. THINK of the people you run into in Times Square...
