Sunday, July 11, 2010

Drivin' South

I loved Memphis, but I can't see myself there. With my trusty GPS, I headed south this morning into Mississippi and down to Cleveland. Route 61 S is known as the Blues Highway. There are signs everywhere about Mississippi being the home of America's music. I wonder how the residents feel about their history being turned into a tourist attraction. If they're anything like Floridians, Mississippians are grateful for anything that brings in a way to make a living. And at least the blues history here is real, or more real than the pirates and Indian that make up Florida's instant history.

Or how do I know that? Maybe I'm just part of the whole elaborate hoax, like the Gasparilla Festival in Tampa or the Chasco Fiesta in New Port Richey with fake pirates for the one and fake Indians and Spaniards for the other.

I'll let you know if I can figure anything out. For the record, here are the last of my photos from Memphis. Above is another view of the gorgeous Peabody Lobby.

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