Sunday, July 11, 2010


so just be patient, my loyal followers, while I'm figuring out how to post the correct photos. The "Drinks to Go" joint is on Beale street, right around the corner from the Peabody. Some places have signs informing would-be patrons to leave their guns at home. From that, I have come to the assumption that, unless notified otherwise, you're welcome to bring your gun anywhere, including a joint where everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has had waay too much to drink.

It's perfectly legal to walk down the street drinking alcohol, as long as it is in a cup and not a bottle.

And most joints on Beale Street have the "To Go" windows.

The ducks in the fountain -- that is the lobby of the Peabody. It was built on cotton money when the Delta cotton-growing was at its height and, at that time, it was said you could stand in the Peabody Lobby and see anyone who was anybody in the Delta. On my journey, it represents that extreme wealth generated by the cotton grown in fertile soil of the Delta.

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